Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any enquiries about INPP™ Australia that are not addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), please contact Chris by email at or phone +61 429 614 687.

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhere do I find a Licenced INPP™ Practitioner in Australia?

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INPP™ licenced practitioners renew their licentiate registration on an annual basis and commit to ongoing professional development in the field of neuro-motor immaturity and development. They comply with an International Code of Conduct and should have their Licentiate Certificate on display in their practice. Licenced practitioners and their contact details can be found on


How will I know if the INPP™ programme is appropriate for my child?

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Complete the INPP™ Screening Questionnaire available on this website including your email and location.  A response will be sent to you to indicate whether the INPP™ Programme may be useful for you and you will be notified of the nearest INPP™ Licenced Practitioners available. Seven (7) or more “Yes” answers on the Child Screening Questionnaire generally indicate that the INPP™ programme may be useful and further discussions with an INPP™ practitioner is recommended.


What does NMI look like?

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“I feel like I’m fighting my body when I’m asked to sit still in class.”

“My eyes always feel angry when I try to read”

 “He (or she) just can’t sit still and is constantly distracted in class.”

“She’s behind in her reading/writing/comprehension/listening ability”

“There’s always food all over the place and their face at dinner time.”

“So grumpy sometimes, intolerant of brothers and sisters, and jumpy too.”

“Gets so anxious when faced with something new.”

These statements (and others similar to them) are what INPP™ practitioners regularly hear about the children they help.  If your child is underachieving academically, can’t sit still and seems uncooperative or easily distracted at times with an inability to listen and sustain focus, then he/she may be showing signs of neuro-motor immaturity.  Difficulties in reading, writing, staying balanced and coordinated, and constantly needing to move and fidget are possible indicators of NMI. 

Children diagnosed with ADD, ASD and other behavioural and developmental difficulties may also benefit from the INPP™ programme as the neuro-motor maturity difficulties they experience are addressed.  If you are concerned about a child exhibiting any of these indications, an INPP™ practitioner will be happy to discuss the options of a NMI assessment and programme with you.


 Do I need a referral?

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No. Health Care practitioners and educators may identify developmental immaturity issues and recommend discussion with an INPP™ practitioner; however referrals from other professionals are NOT necessary.  If you have concerns, we suggest you contact your nearest INPP™ practitioner or submit the screening questionnaire on this website to initiate the process.


 What happens in the INPP™ process?

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If, after submitting the initial screening questionnaire, the INPP programme appears to be of use to you,  your INPP™ practitioner will organise a time to conduct an initial discussion with you to obtain more information about early development, school performance, and challenges faced (Times for these initial consultations varies between practitioners).  If this consultation indicates that neuro-motor immaturity may be a factor in your child’s difficulties then simple screening tests for the presence of primitive reflexes may be conducted and recommendations for a full assessment made.  Following a full assessment (which may take up to 2 hours) a follow-up visit is likely to be scheduled to discuss the results and outline the customised and developmentally appropriate exercises that have been selected for your child. A written report detailing your child’s assessment results should be provided to you at this follow-up visit. Reviews are usually scheduled on a minimum 6 -8 week basis and the programme may continue for 12 – 18 months. (The INPP™ practitioner will advise you as to what programme and duration of the programme is best for your child).


How long do the exercises take and how often do they need to be completed?

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The exercises can be completed in less than 10 minutes and need to be conducted every day.  The exercises need to be supervised by an adult to ensure they are conducted with precision and care.  Daily practice is necessary to strengthen neural networks and ensure the success of the programme.  You should not need to purchase any equipment to complete the exercises.


How long does the INPP™ Neuro-developmental therapy take?

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On average, a programme takes 12 to 18 months to complete.  Progress varies for each child.  Parents and caregivers are encouraged to remain in regular contact with their INPP™ practitioners to discuss progress and concerns they may have.


Will practitioners discuss the implications of NMI with my child’s teacher?

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If you would like the INPP practitioner with whom you are working to discuss the implications of NMI with teachers or school personnel, please discuss this concern and possibility with your practitioner.  Most practitioners welcome the opportunity to discuss their work in helping children improve and enhance their learning potential with educators and other like-minded professionals.


Will the results last?

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The INPP™ programme is designed to integrate the primitive reflexes and develop the postural reflexes so that foundations for postural control and balance are enhanced and the child can function with a more mature operating system which should enable them to access learning opportunities more readily.  The INPP™ programme addresses neuro-motor immaturity and results should be lasting. It is important to note that primitive reflexes never fully disappear in developmentally mature beings and can reappear under certain circumstances.  Your INPP™ practitioner will explain this process to you during your consultations.


 Is the INPP™ program useful for adults?

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If an adult has retained primitive reflexes and associated balance and co-ordination difficulties, then they are likely to benefit from the program.  Adults with anxiety issues may also benefit. A supportive environment is important, however as the changes that occur may release past thought patterns and emotional memories. Discussion with an INPP™ practitioner is recommended to determine suitability.


What does an INPP™ programme cost?

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INPP™ practitioners determine their own fee schedules and will discuss that with you as part of your initial discussions.  When compared with most tutorial programmes over one year, most INPP™ programmes are comparable in price and are effective because they address the underlying neuro-physiological reasons that impact on the educational success and performance of the child.  Successful learning depends on a sound physical foundation and readiness for learning. INPP™ programmes provide that foundation enabling the child to better access the learning opportunities offered to them in school.
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INPP Australia