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    • INPP Supervision On-line Option 2019

      Hi Everyone,

      Supervision this year was an experiment in the use of technology to see if we can deliver Supervision by an on-line method.

      If you participated, thanks for giving this a go.  Can you please provide me with some feedback about your experience.  That feedback will help me decide on the format for the next INPP Supervision to be held in Australia.

      Please consider some of the parameters within which I need to work as INPP Principal:

      1.  Supervision needs to be held every year to provide Licentiates with an opportunity to meet their obligations under the Licentiate agreement (Supervision attendance every 2 years if in Australia, 3 years if close or 5 years if a long haul flight is required).
      2. Because of the vast geographic area my Principalship covers, I need to include practitioners from NZ, Singapore and other SE Asian countries if they train through me. So, timing and travel needs to be considered.  Is on-line the best way to go.
      3. Do you prefer face to face updates so that you can network with other practitioners?
      4. When is the best time of year for you?  Can you name a month?
      5. Any other ideas you may have.

      I'm open to suggestions in trying to make this work economically, but also effectively.  We have much to learn from each other in this work, so the opportunity to gather and discuss our experience is valuable.

      Look forward to your thoughts/ideas/proposals etc.


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